Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 









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Mises à jour en ordre chronologique des sites
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30 décembre 2015 Premonitory symptoms in migraine. Laurell K, Artto Vet al.
22 novembre 2015 Examining signs of driver sleepiness, usage of sleepiness countermeasures and the associations with sleepy driving behaviours and individual factors. Watling CN et al.
22 novembre 2015 Differential organization of male copulatory patterns in high- and low-yawning-frequency sublines versus outbred Sprague-Dawley rats. Eguibar JR,et al.
22 novembre 2015 Disinhibition of anti-cultural behavior: A means of adaptation in early hominids? Kozintsev A, Butovskaya M
22 novembre 2015 Auditory Contagious Yawning in Humans: An Investigation into Affiliation and Status Effects. Massen JJ et al.
22 novembre 2015 Gallup AC. Ambient temperature modulates yawning
22 novembre 2015 Gallup AC, Clark AB Commentary: yawning, acute stressors, and arousal reduction in Nazca booby adults and nestlings.
2 novembre 2015 A Metaphor: religious beliefs exist because yawning is contagious. Walusinski O 
29 octobre 2015 Le bâillement. Kuhnholtz MH. 1829
29 octobre 2015 Pandiculation. La Sylphide. 1846
29 octobre 2015 Le bâillement pendant la menstruation. Brierre de Boismont A. 1842
29 octobre 2015 Le bâillement Bichat X. 1801
29 octobre 2015 L'intoxication à la belladone Orfila M. 1843
11 octobre 2015 The effects of intranasal oxytocin on contagious yawning. Gallup AC, Church AM.
11 octobre 2015 Les petits bateaux sur France-Inter 4 octobre 2015
23 septembre 2015 Jules Tinel (1879-1952)
22 septembre 2015 Directly observable behavioral effects of lorcaserin in rats. Serafine KM et al.
22 septembre 2015 Repeated Witnessing of Conspecifics in Pain: Effects on Emotional Contagion. Carrillo M et al.
9 septembre 2015 Testing Yawning Hypotheses in Wild Populations of Two Strepsirrhine Species: Propithecus Verreauxi and Lemur. Catta. Zannell A et al.
1 septembre 2015 Drinking sucrose or saccharin enhances sensitivity of rats to quinpirole-induced yawning. Serafine KM
1 septembre 2015 Perception of Available Space During Chimpanzee Introductions: Number of Accessible Areas Is More Important Than Enclosure Size. Herrelko ES et al.
28 août 2015 ContagiousYawning and Psychopathy. Rundle BK et al.
28 août 2015 A Complex, Contagious, Evolutionary Habit. Shalini A, Sreedharan S
16 juillet 2015 L'encéphalite léthargique. Ch Achard. 1923
12 juin 2015 Fetal Behavioural Response to Maternal Voice and Touch. Marx V
31 mai 015 Experimental evidence of contagious yawning in budgerigars. Gallup et al.  
19 mai 2015 Central administration of oxytocin differentially increases yawning, penile erections and scratching in high- (HY) and low-yawning (LY) sublines of Sprague-Dawley rats. Eguibar JR et al.
19 mai 2015 Electrophysiological association of spontaneous yawning and swallowing. Ertekin C et al.
1 mai 2015 Temperature-Dependent in Self-Reported Contagious Yawning. Eldakar OT et al.
26 avril 2015 Pathologic yawning in neuromyelitis optica spectrum disorders. Lana-Peixoto MA et al.
26 avril 2015 Movement of a paralyzed arm with yawning. Kang P, Dhand A
26 avril 2015 De la suggestion. Alfred Maury 1862
17 avril 2015 Yawning as a presenting symptom of Chiari malformation Type I: report of 2 cases. Zebian B et al.
31 mars 2015 Yawning in Depression: Worth Looking Into. Hensch T et al.
31 mars 2015 Les bâillements du chien - Dog's yawning
21 mars 2015 Intractable yawning associated with mature teratoma of the supramedial cerebellum. Saura H, et al.
21 mars 2015 Intractable yawning caused by foramen magnum meningioma in a patient with neurofibromatosis type 2. Bayri Y, et al.
21 mars 2015 Yawning Woman by Paul Nocquet (1877-1908)
26 février 2015 Yawning, acute stressors, and arousal reduction in Nazca booby adults and nestlings. Liang AC et al.
16 janvier 2015 Des bâillements pour vendre du café  
16 janvier 2015 Test de susceptibilité à la contagion du bâillement