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27 janvier 2005
Nicotine blocks quinpirole-induced behavior in rats: psychiatric implications
Y Tizabi, R Copeland Jr, R Brus, R Kostrzewa
Department of Pharmacology, Howard University, Waskington, USA


Brown RW, Perna MK, Schaefer TL, Williams MT.The effects of adulthood nicotine treatment on D2-mediated behavior and neurotrophins of rats neonatally treated with quinpirole. Synapse 2006;59(5):253-259
Ohmura Y, Jutkiewicz EM, Zhang A, Domino EF. Dopamine D1/5 and D2/3 agonists differentially attenuate somatic signs of nicotine withdrawal in rats.Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2011;99(4):552-556
Central dopaminergic dysfunction has been implicated in a variety of neurological and neuropsychiatric disorders, including schizophrenia and Tourette syndrome (TS). It has been proposed that dopaminergic hypoactivity in the frontal cortex and dopaminergic hyperactivity in the subcortical regions are major contributing factors in the symptomatology of schizophrenia. Similarly, a frontalsubcortical circuit dysfunction involving dopaminergic neurotransmission has been hypothesized in symptom manifestations of TS. Moreover, haloperidol, a neuroleptic which blocks dopamine D2 receptors is effective in both schizophrenia and TS. However, the side effects associated with haloperidol limit its long-term therapeutic applicability.
Involvement of other neurotransmitter systems in schizophrenia and TS, either directly or through the dopaminergic system, is now well accepted. Indeed, it has been proposed that the primary abnormality in schizophrenia might be in the systems that have an intimate interaction with the dopamine system.
Central interaction between nicotinic cholinergic and dopaminergic systems is amply documented. Moreover, possible therapeutic benefits of nicotine in both schizophrenia and TS have been suggested.
Chronic treatment of rat pups with quinpirole (QNP), an agonist at the D2/D3 receptors results in behavioral sensitization manifested in hyperlocomotion, increased yawning, paw treading and jumping behavior. Because these QNP-induced behaviors can be prevented by administration of neuroleptics, including haloperidol, they may be a suitable model for screening drugs that may be effective in specific psychiatric disorders. As mentioned above, nicotinic agonists may have therapeutic potentials in various psychiatric disorders. Thus, this study was designed to investigate whether QNP-induced behaviors might also be antagonized by administration of nicotine. Moreover, to further delineate possible involvement of central nicotinic receptors, the effects of mecamylamine, a nicotinic antagonist, and the effects of QNP-induced sensitization on the density and affinity of nicotinic receptors in discrete brain regions were also evaluated. [...]
The results of this study indicate that assorted behaviors induced by acute dopamine D2/D3 agonist treatment of rats, D2-primed in postnatal ontogeny, can be totally or partially, blocked by acute nicotine pretreatment. The effects of nicotine, in turn, can be totally or partially blocked by pretreatment with mecamylamine, a nicotinic receptor antagonist. This, plus the finding that chronic QNP treatment resulted in increased nicotinic receptor binding in specific brain regions, suggests that at least some of the effects of QNP may be mediated by central nicotinic cholinergic systems.
Antagonism of QNP-induced behavior by nicotine could have significant implications in neuropsychiatric disorders that might be brought about by an imbalance in central dopaminergic systems. Indeed, the results suggest that nicotinic agonists may be of therapeutic benefit in such disorders. Dopaminergic imbalance has been hypothesized to be causally related to such disorders as schizophrenia and TS. Haloperidol, a dopamine D2 receptor antagonist is effective in both schizophrenia and TS. It also blocks QNP-induced behaviors described in this study. The similarity between nicotine and haloperidol in counteracting QNP-induced behaviors suggests a possible advantage in combining these two treatments for the above-mentioned disorders. Interestingly, preliminary clinical studies indicate advantareous combination of nicotine and haloperidol in the treatment of schizophrenia and TS.
Actions of nicotine are presumably mediated by specific nicotinic cholinergic receptors, although interaction between nicotine and other ligand-gated ion-channel receptors, such as glutamatergic N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors, has also been documented. Various subtypes of nicotinic receptors with distinct structural, physiological and pharmacological properties have been identified in the brain. Activation of nicotinic receptors may influence the release of a number of neurotransmitters including dopamine. Our results indicate that the two prominent nicotinic receptor subtypes, a42 and a7, are both affected by QNP, although to different degrees and in different brain regions. Because we did not detect displacement of ligands specific for these receptor subtypes by QNP in in-vitro binding assays, it will be of interest to determine the mechanism of QNP-induced increases in nicotinic receptors. In addition, we did not detect any gender differences in either the behavioral or neurochemical parameters. However, further experiments specifically designed to address possible gender influences are required.
Although the significance of these receptor changes in relation to observed behavioral changes remains to be elucidated, it is of relevance to note that nicotinic interactions with dopaminergic neurotransmission in mesolimbic and nigrostriatal pathways may be responsible for the observed locomotor effects. Alternatively, changes in locomotor activity could occur indirectly, as a result of changes in stereotypy that is also mediated by the same pathways. Thalamic nuclei are also rich in nicotinic receptors and their influence on thalamo-cortico-subcortical circuitry may have significant roles in modulation of the studied behaviors. However, nicotinic receptors in the hippocampus may be intimately invoJved in cognitive functions such as sensory gating and attentional processes. Participation of cerebellar nicotinic receptors in motor coordination has been suggested by studies demonstrating that local injection of nicotine into cerebellum overcomes the ataxia induced by alcohol administration in mice.
The complexity of behavioral disorders such as schizophrenia or TS precludes, at least theoretically, the assignment of a single neurotransmitter system dysfuncion, as the sole culprit. Indeed, ample evidence impliates other neurotransmitter systems as well. Thus, it is likely that each disorder may be a cluster of various subtype disorders with different a neurochemical bases. Therefore, a drug that might interact in some specific ways with various transmitter systems, may have a unique advantage in treatment of such disorders. In this regard, it is of interest to note that nicotine may be of value in psychiatric disorders that may be brought about by glutamatergic imbalance. An important distinction of interactions of nicotine with glutamatergic versus the dopaminergic system, however, is that the effects of nicotine in the glutamatergic paradigm are not antagonized by mecamylamine, whereas, in this paradigm, the effects of nicotine are partially or totally antagonized by mecamylamine. Thus, depending on the etiology and/or underpinning neurotransmitter abnormality of the manifested symptoms, specific combination pharmacotherapy could prove more effective.
It should be noted that mecamylamine blockade of nicotine effects on some QNP-induced behaviors in our study might also involve interactions at peripheral (ganglionic) nicotinic receptors. This is because mecamylamine alone also blocked QNP-induced effects on paw treading and jumping behavior; however, the combination of mecamylamine and nicotine, partially or totally restored the QNP effects on these behaviors. The extent of central versus peripheral nicotinic receptor participation in observed effects remains to be evaluated. Moreover, it remains to be determined whether any pharmacokinetic interactions between the administered drugs may be responsible for the observed effects.
Because administration of nicotine alone in primed rats resulted in similar, albeit smaller increases in locomotor activity and paw treading, it could be argued that nicotinic antagonism of QNP effects on these behaviors might not represent a true pharmacological antagonism, i.e., both compounds acting at the same receptor site. Rather, nicotine may be affecting a circuit that does not allow full expression of QNP effects (presumably mediated by dopaminergic receptors). This mechanism of antagonism would further support the applicability of nicotinic agonists in disorders brought about by a dopaminergic imbalance. Clearly, more research utilizing various other paradigms and specific nicotinic agents is required to delineate the role of distinct nicotinic receptors in circuits controlling behavioral functions. Moreover, it would be of considerable clinical relevance to determine whether chronic nicotine administration would also exert similar effects and, if so, establish the dose-response and time-course relationships.
The results in non-primed rats show that yawning and, to some extent, locomotor activity were also manifested in this group following acute QNP administration. Thus, it appears that, for some of the studied behaviors, ontogenic QNP treatment is not a requirement for the manifestation of acute QNP effects. In addition, blockade of QNP-induced yawning in nonprimed rats by nicotine indicates that QNP sensitization is not a prerequisite for observation of nicotine effects in this behavior. Nonetheless, ontogenic QNP treatment and/or sensitization of dopaminergic receptors by chronic QNP administration offer suitable paradigms for investigation of biochemical causes of behavioral disorders and development of novel pharmacotherapies.
It is of interest to note that postmortem studies indicate a decrease in hippocampal nicotinic receptors in brains of schizophrenic patients, prompting the suggestion that the deficit of sensory gating in these patients might be due to a loss or a reduction of a7 nicotinic receptor function. Interestingly, and seemingly paradoxical, it has been demonstrated that upregulation of nicotinic receptors might actually represent a functional downregulation of these receptors. Thus, if receptor upregulation in our paradigm is also associated with a functional decrease of nicotinic receptors, then a common basis for efficacy of nicotine in our model and schizophrenia might be suggested. Moreover, the high incidence of smoking in schizophrenic patients is consistent with the possibility of self medication by nicotine in these individuals. Therefore, development of a specific nicotinic agonist that might alleviate the psychotic symptoms may also have therapeutic applicability in smoking cessation in this population.
In summary, nicotine, like haloperidol, is capable of blocking behavioral effects induced by the dopamine D2/D3 agonist QNP. Mecamylamine, a nicotinic receptor antagonist may block the effects of nicotine. Moreover, chronic QNP treatment results in an increase in nicotinic recptor binding in discrete brain regions. These results strongly implicate nicotinic receptor in some behavioral effects of QNP and suggest a possible therapeutic benefit of nicotinic agonists in behavioral disordres that may be brought about by central dopaminergic imbalance.