Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 



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mise à jour du
20 décembre 2020
Sci Rep.
Experimental evidence for yawn contagion
in orangutans (Pongo pygmaeus)  
van Berlo E, Díaz-Loyo AP, Juárez-Mora OE, Kret ME, Massen JJM.


 Tous les articles sur la contagion du bâillement
All articles about contagious yawning
Yawning is highly contagious, yet both its proximate mechanism(s) and its ultimate causation remain poorly understood. Scholars have suggested a link between contagious yawning (CY) and sociality due to its appearance in mostly social species. Nevertheless, as findings are inconsistent, CY's function and evolution remains heavily debated. One way to understand the evolution of CY is by studying it in hominids. Although CY has been found in chimpanzees and bonobos, but is absent in gorillas, data on orangutans are missing despite them being the least social hominid.
Orangutans are thus interesting for understanding CY's phylogeny. Here, the authors experimentally tested whether orangutans yawn contagiously in response to videos of conspecifics yawning. Furthermore, they investigated whether CY was affected by familiarity with the yawning individual (i.e. a familiar or unfamiliar conspecific and a 3D orangutan avatar). In 700 trials across 8 individuals, they found that orangutans are more likely to yawn in response to yawn videos compared to control videos of conspecifics, but not to yawn videos of the avatar. Interestingly, CY occurred regardless of whether a conspecific was familiar or unfamiliar.
They conclude that CY was likely already present in the last common ancestor of humans and great apes, though more converging evidence is needed.
Le bâillement est contagieux, mais son (ses) mécanisme (s) immédiat (s) et sa cause ultime restent mal compris. Les chercheurs ont suggéré un lien entre le bâillement contagieux (CY) et la socialité en raison de son apparition dans des espèces à vie sociale. Néanmoins, comme les résultats sont discordants, la fonction et l'évolution de CY restent largement débattues. Une façon de comprendre l'évolution du CY est de l'étudier chez les hominidés. Bien que CY ait été trouvé chez les chimpanzés et les bonobos, mais soit absent chez les gorilles, les données sur les orangs-outans sont manquantes bien qu'ils soient les hominidés les moins sociaux.
Les orangs-outans sont donc intéressants à étudier pour comprendre la phylogénie de CY. Ici, les auteurs ont testé expérimentalement si les orangs-outans bâillent de manière contagieuse en réponse à des vidéos de conspécifiques bâillant. En outre, ils ont examiné si CY était affecté par la familiarité avec l'individu bâillant (c'est-à-dire un conspécifique familier ou inconnu et un avatar d'orang-outan 3D). Dans 700 essais portant sur 8 individus, ils ont observé que les orangs-outans sont plus susceptibles de bâiller en réponse aux vidéos de bâillements par rapport aux vidéos de contrôle de congénères, mais pas aux vidéos de l'avatar bâillant. Fait intéressant, CY s'est produit indépendamment du fait qu'un conspécifique soit familier ou inconnu.
Ils concluent que CY était probablement déjà présent dans le dernier ancêtre commun des humains et des grands singes, bien que des preuves plus convergentes soient encore nécessaires.
Yawning is an evolutionarily old phenomenon as its associated motor features can be recognized in different groups of animals1. It follows a stereotyped pattern that, once started, is unstoppable2. Apart from its spontaneous form, it is also notoriously contagious, at least for some species; i.e. individuals yawn as an unconscious and automatic response to seeing or hearing other individuals yawn3. While a yawning-like pattern is observed in a wide range of vertebrates1, contagious yawning (CY) is less wide-spread. To date, CY appears to be present in only a few, generally social species, including tonkean macaques4 (and possibly stumptail macaques5), gelada baboons6, chimpanzees7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, bonobos15,16, dogs and wolves17,18,19, sheep20, elephant seals21, budgerigars22, and rats23. In contrast, studies failed to show CY in grey-cheeked mangabeys and long-tailed macaques24, mandrills1, common marmosets25, lemurs26, horses27, lions1, tortoises28, and fish1, even though some of these species are also very social. Despite growing interest in CY, both its proximate mechanisms (how it functions and develops) and ultimate causes (why and how it evolved) currently remain unclear.
Several hypotheses have been put forward, following a Tinbergian approach29. One view on the proximate mechanism underlying CY is that it is an automatic form of physiological or emotional state-matching between individuals. This synchrony of states between individuals may work via a perception&endash;action mechanism (PAM), an adaptive mechanism that serves to create and maintain relationships in highly social species and that can give rise to higher-order cognitive phenomena such as empathy30. Some scholars argue that CY taps into the same PAM as emotion contagion (e.g.6,7,31,32), which is the tendency to automatically synchronize emotional states with another individual33. Following this line of thought, CY can thus potentially be a proxy for empathy (i.e. the CY-empathy hypothesis)6,9,12,18,31,34,35. Indeed, neuroimaging studies have shown increased brain activity during CY in areas involved in theory of mind and social cognition 36,37,38, corroborating the idea that CY is linked with emotional state-matching and perhaps even empathy. Furthermore, individuals who score low on empathy scales (e.g. individuals on the autism spectrum) are less likely to engage in CY39, and females yawn more frequently in response to seeing others yawn than males do, reflecting the idea that females show higher levels of empathy than males because of their investment in offspring care40. Nevertheless, there are some studies that do not find such a clear link between CY and empathy. For instance, when people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are instructed to pay attention to the eyes (avoidance of the eyes is one of the characteristics of ASD), they are just as likely to yawn contagiously as neurotypical individuals41. Furthermore, the gender bias is not consistently found (e.g. 10,42) and heavily debated43,44. For instance, in chimpanzees, it appears that males yawn more frequently than females in response to seeing other males yawn10. Finally, while dogs do engage in CY, its presence is not affected by whether the yawner is prosocial versus the yawner being antisocial45. The mixed findings in the studies investigating the relationship between CY and a complex construct such as empathy show that the topic deserves more attention, and that it is still debated (see Massen & Gallup (2017) for a critical review).
The emotional bias hypothesis is a more detailed specification of how CY can be socially modulated through a shared PAM, namely via social closeness and familiarity. The hypothesis predicts that individuals who are socially, and thus emotionally close are also more likely to yawn contagiously in response to each other15,16,18,19,34,46,47. Additionally, individuals from a group (i.e. familiar others) are more likely to yawn in response to each other than to unfamiliar others9,18. A potential issue that has been raised is that these studies often fail to rule out simple alternative explanations for CY that do not require higher-order cognition48. For instance, effects of familiarity on CY may be explained by a general tendency to bias attention to familiar and socially close others48. Nevertheless, in a recent study investigating auditory yawn contagion in humans, yawns were most contagious between family and friends while controlling for the potential effects of increased attention to socially close others using a non-visual stimuli34. Still, in quite some social species, the linkage between CY and social closeness or familiarity is not found10,45,49,50,51. For example, a recent study analyzing a large dataset on CY in dogs shows CY is present in dogs, but is not affected by familiarity or other potential mediators such as sex or prosociality45. It therefore remains possible that mechanisms other than the same PAM that underlies emotion contagion or empathy are mediating CY. For instance, CY may result from stress induced by a common stressor in the environment5,52. Thus, rather than being mediated by seeing others yawn, yawning occurs as a response to the stressor. Individuals that are stressed are known to show higher rates of self-directed behaviors, of which yawning and scratching are examples53, and indeed, in one study involving stumptail macaques, monkeys yawned more frequently in response to a video clip of yawns as compared to a control, but also scratched more5. The authors concluded that tension was most likely mediating the occurrence of yawning in the yawn condition. In short, while it is likely that CY is a social phenomenon, its exact mechanisms remain an active field of investigation.
Notwithstanding the debate on proximate mechanisms, little attention has been given to more ultimate explanations for CY. One of the few hypotheses out there is that CY is an adaptive mechanism that helps with social coordination54. Accumulating evidence suggests that yawning itself serves to cool the brain as to maintain homeostasis55,56,57,58,59,60 and consequently may increase alertness and aid in vigilance. Within this social coordination hypothesis, CY, in turn, may help to spread vigilance within the group, for instance to remain alert for potential predators54,57. Specifically, it may be adaptive to match the state of a vigilant conspecific as it may have sensed a predator, which the individual itself did not yet sense. To date, however, the social coordination hypothesis remains untested, and the thermoregulatory function of yawning is still debated (e.g.61,62, but see58 for a response to the critique).
Another fruitful way to explore evolutionary hypotheses is through phylogenetic comparisons. Palagi et al. (2019) proposed the common trait among hominids hypothesis which states that, given the shared phylogeny between humans and great apes, CY may find its roots in a shared underlying socio-cognitive mechanism that was already present in at least the last common ancestor (LCA) of all hominids. Moreover, since CY is also present in some Old-World monkeys and non-primate species, its roots could be much older, or CY is an example of convergent evolution. To date, few data exist to perform comparisons and most interestingly, the picture among the great apes is not yet clear. There is convincing evidence for CY in chimpanzees7,8,10,12,14. In bonobos, two observational studies15,16 and an experiment63 show clear evidence for CY, while one experimental study did not12. However, the latter study only tested four individuals, thus making it very likely that CY is, indeed, present in bonobos. Finally, the first comprehensive study on gorillas combining an experimental and naturalistic approach found no evidence for CY64. Notoriously absent are data on CY in orangutans, which, considering their semi-solitary lifestyle65 may be of comparative interest for a social phenomenon like CY. To date, the only existing study involving orangutans failed to find evidence for CY12, yet the sample size was too small to be conclusive. In general, orangutans in the wild roam mostly solitarily: males travel alone, and mothers travel with their offspring66. Due to overlapping home ranges, occasional encounters and affiliation are possible, but generally do not occur frequently66,67. Consequently, finding out whether CY is present in orangutans will further help elucidate the hypotheses previously discussed.
The current study attempts to clear up the picture of CY in hominids in two ways. First, we aim to find a convincing answer to whether CY is present in orangutans or not via an experimental design involving the presentation of yawning and neutral stimuli of orangutans to 8 orangutans. Second, we also investigate whether this potential yawn contagion is affected by a familiarity bias, i.e. whether CY is stronger between individuals that know each other versus unfamiliar individuals. To this end, we exposed orangutans to videos showing either yawn or control clips of familiar (i.e. conspecifics living in close proximity) and unfamiliar orangutans, as well as a 3D avatar68 and measured their response (yawns). Additionally, we also measured the occurrence of scratching to rule out potential effects of stress on the occurrence of yawning53. So far, CY appears to be exclusively present in highly social species, and because orangutans do not show high affiliative tendencies, we therefore expected that orangutans do not show CY.
Here we find that orangutans yawn contagiously in response to conspecifics yawning, independent of whether the conspecific is a familiar or unfamiliar individual. Furthermore, orangutans were not susceptible to yawns of an avatar. Additionally, the videos used in our experiment appeared to be similarly arousing. That is, there was no difference in scratching (an indicator of stress) between the conditions. We here discuss the consequences of our findings for the different proximate and ultimate hypotheses that currently exist.
CY has thus far been observed in highly social species6,7,15,17,19,20,21,22 (but see:1,24,25,26,27). Orangutans have meaningful social interactions that occur more often than is expected by chance alone76, but these interactions occur at a much lower frequency compared to bonobos and chimpanzees66,67. Interestingly, our results show that orangutans exhibit CY, suggesting that a high degree of affiliation within a species is not necessary for CY to occur. This also indicates that more studies are needed that investigate the presence or, importantly, absence of CY in a variety of species that differ on their social organization and affiliative tendencies. At the same time, it has to be noted that our sample consists of zoo-housed orangutans that were also born in captivity. In captivity, frequencies of affiliation can exceed those observed in the wild77, thus potentially increasing the likelihood of CY to occur. Nevertheless, our results do show the presence of CY in orangutans and the few generations of zoo-living individuals cannot inform us about any selection pressures that have resulted in this tendency in orangutans. Our results must therefore be discussed in light of the orangutans' natural behavior and social environment.
In our study, we did not find an effect of familiarity on CY, suggesting that at least in orangutans, social modulation of CY may not be present. While presence of social modulation of CY is often used as confirmation of CY and emotion contagion sharing the same underlying perception&endash;action mechanism9,15,16,18,35, its absence in our data makes it more difficult to interpret the emotional bias hypothesis. Orangutans do have some preferences when it comes to their interaction partners, thus one could expect social modulation of CY under the emotional bias hypothesis. For instance, related female orangutans are known to associate more often than unrelated females78, and prefer the long-calls of dominant males79. Additionally, in a recent study, orangutans were shown to scratch contagiously in response to conspecifics scratching, suggesting a potential case of emotion contagion80. Interestingly, scratch contagion was stronger between weakly bonded individuals during tense situations, which shows a social closeness bias in the opposite direction. This suggests that a familiarity bias may be more flexible depending on the situation individuals are in (e.g. relaxed versus stressful contexts) and the nature of the behavior that is copied (e.g. scratching as an expression of tension). At the same time, there are other studies on highly social species that do not show a familiarity bias (e.g. chimpanzees10, dogs45, macaques24, and marmosets25). As such, there may be (currently unknown) species-specific traits that determine whether a familiarity bias occurs or not. The exact (social) function of CY remains unclear and thus alternative explanations that do not involve the PAM that is underlying empathy may still be possible (e.g. spreading of vigilance). As has been pointed out by others, solving this issue requires a more systematic study of CY that includes a bigger variety of animals, including solitary animals such as reptiles and amphibians48.
From an evolutionary perspective, our results pose an interesting conundrum: while we found CY in orangutans, it is not present in gorillas, even though the split between orangutans and other hominids is evolutionarily older than the split between gorillas and other hominids81. It is possible that the number of trials in the study by Palagi et al. (2019) were not sufficient to detect CY, as in our study, even with a large number of trials, we only detected yawns in 11.9% of all cases. Nevertheless, studies with chimpanzees that have few trials were able to establish CY in the past, albeit with a relatively large number of subjects8,10,12, and there was also no evidence for CY in naturalistic observations in gorillas64. Interestingly, it has been argued that in the past, orangutans may have been more social, but that due to long periods of low food availability, orangutan gregariousness was no longer viable82. This may suggest that the ancestor of all apes already possessed the mechanism underlying CY. However, based on observational and relatedness data, it has been suggested that this hominid lived in a group with gorilla-like structure in which one male could monopolize multiple females82. In this sense, it is difficult to explain why, given a similar social structure, gorillas do not show CY and orangutans do. It is possible that CY was somehow lost in the gorilla lineage, or that CY developed multiple times over the course of evolution. The loss of CY is theoretically possible, given that CY has been found in some, but not all primates1,64. Here, there is a role for the type of social system that characterizes a species in the loss (or occurrence) of CY64. There is, however, not yet enough variation in data on CY in different species of primates to draw clear conclusions. Furthermore, it is possible that the measures to detect CY in certain species are simply not sensitive enough. All these explanations can be true, given that the occurrence of CY is highly variable in primates in general. It is clear that more studies are needed in order to draw robust conclusions about the evolution of CY.
In our study orangutans did not significantly respond to the avatar, which contrasts with findings in chimpanzees8. Potentially, orangutans experienced the uncanny valley phenomenon in which the avatar looks very realistic, yet fails to behave like a real orangutan, therefore violating natural expectations of orangutan behavior. Indeed, previous research on monkeys showed that they preferentially looked at real or completely unrealistic 3D model monkeys compared to very realistic 3D models83. Nevertheless, this would likely have increased scratching when viewing the avatar, which was not evident in our study. Furthermore, a recent study investigating the uncanny effect in macaques showed that looking times did not differ between the Primatar (3D monkey head) and real or unrealistic images, indicating that the use of virtual stimuli can still be a promising way to study social cognition84. Future studies will have to verify whether the lack of evidence for CY using an avatar in our study is because the effect is truly absent, for instance by looking specifically at how similarity with another individual (on a physical level) affects CY. In humans, there is ample evidence that the more similar that individuals are in terms of physical characteristics, but also personal convictions and views, the more likely they are to automatically mimic behavior85.
Future studies can improve on the current study design in several ways. First, we only used orangutan males as stimuli. In previous studies with chimpanzees10 and bonobos15, the sex of the triggering yawner affected the occurrence of CY; i.e. in chimpanzees, male yawns were more contagious whereas in bonobos, female yawns were more contagious. In gelada baboons, CY is more prevalent among females, especially when they are closely bonded6. It is possible that these results can be explained by emotional closeness between individuals, as in chimpanzees males typically form strong social relationships86, and in bonobos and gelada baboons it is mostly females that bond87,88. Alternatively, results could be explained by the differences in hierarchy with chimpanzees being male dominant89 and bonobos female dominant87, and by the strong matrilineal bonds between gelada baboons90. Investigating whether there is an interaction between sex of the stimulus and of the responder in orangutans could help elucidate the roots of the observed sex effects in CY in some species. The restricted selection of stimuli and the low sample size did unfortunately not allow us to perform such analyses. It is noteworthy, however, that the males in our study yawned more frequently than the females (i.e. the total yawning rate of males was 74, whereas females yawned only 9 times. See Table S1a). Yawns occur more frequently in males of species with canine polymorphism, and also during aggressive contexts91. Given that all our stimuli were male, perhaps there is a role for dominance or rivalry in the occurrence of CY in orangutans23. Nevertheless, one could argue that this leads to tense situations, thus leading to more scratching when observing yawns of others, which is not what we found.
Additionally, all of our videos contained flanged males. Flanged adult males are often preferred over unflanged males by receptive female orangutans92, and can be viewed as threatening by unflanged males93. As such, in addition to interactions between the different sexes and CY, it may also be interesting to study potential effects of the two different morphs of orangutan males on CY.
Furthermore, due to power issues, we could not reliably test effects of age on CY. In humans, while spontaneous yawns can occur already before birth94, CY does not seem to appear until the age of four to five95,96, although when children of 3 years old are specifically told to look at the eyes of the stimulus they show CY as well97. Similar developmental trajectories of CY have been reported in other animals6,7,11,50. In our study, there were only two individuals younger than 5; one 15 months (Indah) and one three-year old (Baju). We observed one yawn occurrence in Indah (in the yawn condition), in Baju we observed six events (four in the yawn and two in the control condition). We decided to include these individuals in our study because while it is true that CY shows a relatively slow developmental pattern in humans, orangutans are born more precocial, and developmental rates in nonhuman primates are much faster compared to humans98. Therefore, CY may possibly also occur earlier in development in orangutans, but with only anecdotal evidence we cannot verify this in our study.
Third, while we tested effects of familiarity in our study by including both familiar and unfamiliar yawners, the fact that we only had yawns from the two adult males to use as stimuli restricted any potential investigation of the potential link between social closeness of the responders and the familiar individuals on the stimuli. The positive effect of social closeness on the occurrence of CY is well established in humans99, chimpanzees (but see10), and bonobos15, but is strongly debated in other species such as dogs45 and budgerigars51. For dogs, it should be noted that CY is interspecific, and that domestication might have had influential effects on how CY is modulated. Inverse effects have also been reported. For instance, a large study in rats has shown a familiarity bias in the opposite direction with rats being more likely to yawn in response to unfamiliar yawns23. Similarly, a recent study investigating scratch contagion in orangutans found that during tense situations, orangutans are more likely to take over scratching from individuals with whom they have a weak bond80, indicating a (negative) correlation between social closeness and the contagiousness of a behavior or motor pattern. Thus, it remains possible that social modulation of CY is present in orangutans, at least in those living with conspecifics in captivity, although its presence was not shown in our sample. Yet, given our small sample size, replications that test for the presence and subsequent direction of social modulation of CY in orangutans are needed.
Finally, we could not quantify attention to the screen, which is one of the common methodological issues raised by Massen et al. (2017). We tried to maximize attention to the screen by using attention-grabbing videos of caretakers at the start of every video sequence, and by adding colored screens in-between stimulus presentations. Furthermore, we made sure that orangutans had a direct line of sight towards the screen at the start of the experiment, and only recorded yawns when they directed their attention to the screen at least once during stimulus presentation. Nevertheless, quantification of attention to the stimuli (either measured as a continuous variable or a frequency of gazes) remains the most robust way to control for potential effects of attentional bias.
To summarize, our findings contribute to understanding the evolutionary basis of CY in hominids by showing that orangutans, like humans, chimpanzees and bonobos, yawn contagiously.