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Brain temperature in healthy and diseased conditions: A review on the special implications of MRS for monitoring brain temperature
 Yulug B, Velioglu HA,
Sayman D, Cankaya S, Hanoglu L.
Biomed Pharmacother
2023 Jan 27;160:114287
Tous les articles d'Andrew Gallup

Brain temperature
Brain temperature determines not only an individual's cognitive functionality but also the prognosis and mortality rates of many brain diseases. More specifically, brain temperature not only changes in response to different physiological events like yawning and stretching, but also plays a significant pathophysiological role in a number of neurological and neuropsychiatric illnesses. Here, the authors have outlined the function of brain hyperthermia in both diseased and healthy states, focusing particularly on the amyloid beta aggregation in Alzheimer's disease.
De la température du cerveau
La température du cerveau détermine non seulement la fonctionnalité cognitive d'un individu mais aussi le pronostic et le taux de mortalité de nombreuses maladies du cerveau. Plus précisément, la température du cerveau ne change pas seulement en réponse à différents événements physiologiques comme le bâillement et l'étirement, mais joue également un rôle physiopathologique important dans un certain nombre de maladies neurologiques et neuropsychiatriques. Ici, les auteurs décrivent la fonction de l'hyperthermie cérébrale dans les états pathologiques et sains, en se concentrant particulièrement sur l'agrégation bêta-amyloïde dans la maladie d'Alzheimer.
Regional brain temperature measurement is novel method that yields pathophysiological insights and associated therapeutic opportunities for a neuroprotective approach to degenerative diseases [1]. Monitoring regional cerebral temperature has not yet been found to guide goal-directed cerebral protection. However, this is due to the lack of reference data regarding the application of targeted temperature management associated with the difficulty of collecting data through invasive direct measurements [1,2]. Previous studies have employed noninvasive techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, microwave radiometry and ultrasound thermometry to determine the temperature of the brain [3]. Neural temperature measurement sensors are another feasible, noninvasive option. For instance, thermocouples, resistance temperature detectors (RTDs), and semiconductor-based optical sensors are all noninvasive implantable temperature monitoring devices, although they have not yet been used on humans due to concerns about potential side-effects
In addition to offering the new therapeutic insights described above, recent studies suggest that deviations in brain temperature may also be of diagnostic value in neurological disorders in the clinical setting [4&endash;9], although a clear dissociation of these deviations from healthy physiological variations over time is essential [9]. The major error here seems to involve an assumption of brain temperature based on body core, which leads to the neglect of the pathophysiological importance of brain-specific regions. Several studies have suggested that brain cell function is highly dependent on temperature, as suggested in conditions in which the brain temperature of brain-injured patients was found to be significantly increased using intracranial probes allowing direct, but invasive, measurement from a single cerebral locus [10]. In contrast to these invasive approaches, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) may offer an alternative monitoring system in which spatially resolved brain temperature data can be obtained noninvasively [1,2]. A recent study by Thrippleton et al. evaluated the feasibility of using MRS to measure brain temperature and mapping, and described it as a reliable method, especially at 3 T.
In this setting, the mechanism by which regional temperature is measured involves the temperature-reliant chemical shift of water in contrast to the reference metabolite n-acetyl aspartate (NAA), which is not temperature-dependent [11]. Temperature measurement and monitoring based on the water proton chemical shift is divided into two different imaging techniques - spectroscopic imaging and the phase mapping method, which is more commonly used. Based on this method, brain temperature for each cerebral tissue voxel can be calculated using a formulation between the above parameters, as described in a recent study. In brief, such a rational approach yields a mathematical value for the difference in chemical shift between water and NAA, thus providing an estimated value for brain temperature in healthy subjects [1,11].
Brain temperature in healthy individuals
The average brain temperature in healthy individuals is more than two degrees higher than that of the body core, depending on factors such as the time of day, the brain region involved, sex, menstrual cycle, and age [2]. A similar difference can be observed at night, when cerebral blood flow peaks [13]. This is principally mediated by intact cerebral perfusion, a compensatory mechanism especially effective in young, healthy brains. It is therefore physiologically plausible that lower temperature values may be observed for specific brain regions (i.e. the hypothalamus) which are closely associated with major vascular structures, such as the Willis Circle [2,12,14]. This suggests the importance of intact neurovascular integrity for an effective heat-removal mechanism by creating spatial gradients in brain temperature. It is also worth mentioning that yawning and stretching are compensatory thermoregulatory mechanisms against increased brain temperature mediated by various neurotransimitters such as acetylcholine, serotonin, dopamine and GABA [35,36]. This is suggested by the same authors showing that heavy nasal breathing terminated the yawning reflex by reducing the brain temperature [37].
Based on these physiological data, it is not unreasonable to assume that recent research has associated increased brain temperature with a less efficient overnight cooling mechanism in the brains of older individuals [12&endash;14]. This might open a new window into the possibility of whether such a mechanism may contribute to diseased conditions in the brain, regardless of the kind of impairment, such as an apoplectic character, as in neurovascular diseases, or a relatively slower progression in degenerative neurological disorders.
Another interesting subject is that elevated brain temperatures have been measured following vaccine administration [15]. Plank et al. hypothesized that an increase in brain temperature should occur due to neuroinflammation following typhoid vaccine administration [15]. That study suggested that peripheral invasive procedures may affect the central nervous system, another important subject requiring further analysis.
Entropy is another factor shown to be closely associated with brain temperature. Entropy is classically defined as a thermodynamic quantity expressing a system's inability to convert thermic energy to mechanical work, in other words, a degree of disorder or randomness in the system. Heat causes greater randomness if added to a system and thus higher entropy, indicating a relationship between increased brain temperature and higher brain entropy. One good example of this is an interesting recent study by Saxe et al., who investigated the relationship between intelligence and brain entropy using resting-state fMRI of healthy adults. Those authors observed a positive association between cognitive scores and brain entropy, especially in the prefrontal cortex, inferior temporal lobes and cerebellum [16]. This suggests that increased entropy derived from complex behavioral performance and intellectual capacity might theoretically increase the temperature of the brain. However, similar to other biological systems, this association might be true to some extent, and it is still unclear whether a process going beyond this fine line may induce or be related to disease conditions, indicating that further mechanistic studies are needed to shed light on this chicken and egg paradox.

Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

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