Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 



mise à jour du
14 février 2022
Physiol Behav
Mating-induced analgesia is dependent of copulatory male pattern in high- and low- yawning male rats
Gómora-Arrati P, Cortes C,
Trujillo A, Encarnación-Sánchez JL,
Galicia-Aguas YL, González-Flores O,
Eguibar JR.


Mating behavior in rodents can modulate pain sensations in both sexes. In males, the execution of mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations induced a progressive increase in their vocalization thresholds induced by tail shocks and other types of noxious stimuli. We selectively inbred two sublines from Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats that differed in their spontaneous yawning frequency. The high-yawning (HY) subline had a mean of 20 yawns/h and a different pattern of sexual behavior characterized by longer interintromission intervals and more sexual bouts that delayed ejaculation. The low-yawning (LY) subline and SD rats yawned as a mean 2 and 1 yawns/h, respectively. So, we determine mating-induced analgesia in HY, LY, and SD male rats by measuring vocalization thresholds in response to noxious electric tail shocks. Our results showed that the magnitude of mating-induced analgesia was lower in HY and LY rats with respect to SD rats. When the rats performed different components of male sexual pattern, both sublines exhibited a significantly lower increase in their vocalization thresholds with respect to SD rats-being sublines less responsive regarding mating-induced analgesia. Pain modulation mechanisms depend on responses to stress, so the low levels of analgesia obtained in the yawning sublines may be due either to differences in their response to stress in other paradigms, or to atypical performance of male sexual behavior during mating, an event which as a stressful event in rats. Therefore, the yawning sublines are a suitable model for analyzing how a different temporal pattern in the display of male sexual behavior affects analgesia mechanisms. Our results concur with Wistar rats with different endophenotypes that could apply to humans as well
Le comportement d'accouplement chez les rongeurs peut moduler les sensations de douleur dans les deux sexes. Chez les mâles, l'exécution d'intromissions et d'éjaculations induit une augmentation progressive de leurs seuils de vocalisation induits par des chocs de la queue et d'autres types de stimuli nocifs. Les auteurs ont consanguinisé sélectivement deux sous-lignées de rats Sprague-Dawley (SD) qui différaient par la fréquence de leurs bâillements spontanés. La sous-lignée à bâillements élevés (HY) avait une moyenne de 20 bâillements/h et un modèle différent de comportement sexuel caractérisé par des intervalles plus longs entre les intromissions et un plus grand nombre de rapports sexuels qui retardaient l'éjaculation. La sous-lignée LY (low yawning) et les rats SD ont bâillé en moyenne 2 et 1 bâillement/h, respectivement. Ils ont déterminé l'analgésie induite par l'accouplement chez les rats mâles HY, LY et SD en mesurant les seuils de vocalisation en réponse à des chocs électriques nocifs de la queue. Les résultats ont montré que l'ampleur de l'analgésie induite par l'accouplement était plus faible chez les rats HY et LY par rapport aux rats SD. Lorsque les rats ont exécuté différentes composantes du schéma sexuel masculin, les deux sous-lignées ont présenté une augmentation significativement plus faible de leurs seuils de vocalisation par rapport aux rats SD, étant des sous-lignées moins sensibles à l'analgésie induite par l'accouplement. Les mécanismes de modulation de la douleur dépendent des réponses au stress, ainsi les faibles niveaux d'analgésie obtenus dans les sous-lignées de bâillements+ peuvent être dus soit à des différences dans leur réponse au stress dans d'autres paradigmes, soit à une performance atypique du comportement sexuel mâle pendant l'accouplement, un événement qui est un événement stressant chez les rats. Par conséquent, les sous-lignes de bâillement sont un modèle approprié pour analyser comment un schéma temporel différent dans l'affichage du comportement sexuel mâle affecte les mécanismes d'analgésie. Ces résultats concordent avec ceux des rats Wistar dont les différents endophénotypes pourraient s'appliquer également aux humains.
Tous les travaux de M Eguibar & G Holmgren

1. Introduction
Male sexual behavior differs among mammalian species and can induce different endocrine, behavioral, and adaptive changes including alterations in pain sensation [9, 14, 20, 44]. For example, male rats have vocalized less frequently in response to suprathreshold electrical stimuli applied to the tail after ejaculation [20]. Additionally, paw-shake behavior in response to a constant electric shock increased after ejacu- lation in the golden hamster [9]. Comparable results were obtained from rats in the hot-plate test: specifically, paw-lick latency increased after ejaculation [14].
Gonza _lez-Mariscal et al., [20] conducted a detailed study in which they observed an increase in vocalization thresholds during the different components of sexual behavior in male rats, i.e., after the display of mounts, intromission, or ejaculation. Remarkably, the authors showed that when two copulatory series occurred sequentially, the vocalization threshold was higher during the second, indicating that mating-induced analgesia could have an additive effect. Specifically, the maximum analgesic effect occurred 20-min after ejaculation and reached steady values even after longer periods (60-min). Importantly, if the subject's movement was restricted, causing a stress response, this also had addi- tive effects with respect to mating-induced analgesia [20]. The above results suggest that genital stimulation received by male rats during the execution of mounts, intromissions, ejaculations, and the subsequent ano-genital grooming intensify sexual arousal as measured by the number of penile erections, and gradually increases the threshold for pain sensation ([20, 27]; Sachs, 2007).
Using different rat sublines, it is possible to analyze analgesia levels that differ according to male sexual behavior patterns. In the present study, we used two selectively inbred sublines from Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats that differed in terms of the frequency of spontaneous yawning. Specifically, the high-yawning (HY) subline had a mean of 20 yawns/h, and the low-yawning (LY) subline had just 2 yawns/h [8, 46]. HY male rats also had more spontaneous penile erections, and 50% of these erections were temporally associated with a yawn within a time window of just 3 min [13, 23]. Sexually experienced HY rats exhibit a copulatory pattern that has a different organization compared with sexually experienced SD rats. Specifically, these rats engage in longer inter-intromission intervals and more copulatory bouts that delay ejac- ulation [11]. Additionally, the proportion of HY rats that were non-copulators was higher in HY compared with LY and SD rats [38]. In contrast, LY rats had an intermediate sexual pattern with respect to sexually experienced HY and SD rats.
Based on these findings, the aim of this study was to evaluate copulation-induced analgesia in HY, LY, and SD rats. As an indicator of pain modulation in a socio-sexual context, we measured vocalization thresholds in response to electric shocks applied to the tail during the execution of different components of male sexual behavior in freely moving rats.
4. Discussion
In this study, we measured mating-induced analgesia according to threshold changes in tail shock-induced audible vocalizations in both yawning sublines and compared them with respect to SD rats. Importantly, analgesia levels in the SD strain were like those already obtained in Wistar rats, which indicates that analgesia mechanisms had similar spinal cord and supraspinal physiological mechanisms between both albino strains, bred from Norwegian rats (Rattus norvegicus; [20, 27]). The degree of VTTS changes were significantly lower in the HY and LY sublines may be explained, at least in part, by the differing display of different components of male sexual behavior between the sublines among the SD rats [11].
Specifically, we corroborate that HY rats have longer interintromission intervals that delay ejaculation, so the amount of afferent information during mating differs between HY subline with respect to SD rats (see Table 2). The performance of male sexual behavior in LY rats is between that of HY and SD rats, and it is important that our experimental paradigm allowed us to measure the VTTS without disrupting the characteristic organization of sexual performance in either subline, as previously reported [11].
The different temporal patterns of male sexual behavior exhibited by the HY subline likely produced unique inflows of genital stimulation travelling through pelvic, hypogastric, and even vagal afferents, which are involved in the analgesia induced by mating [20, 27]. The longer interintromission intervals during copulation in the HY rats induced an interruption of the ongoing genital stimulation, including the activation of spinal or supraspinal analgesic mechanisms. This may also have occurred in lower magnitude in the LY male rats. In fact, the amount of afferent inflow depended on the temporal organization of mounts, intromissions or ejaculation; and successive intromissions led to increase pain thresholds as shown in male rats with different endophenoty- pes, called sluggish, intermediate and rapid ejaculators in Wistar rats [1]. It is well established that pain sensations travel through peripheral A_ and C fibers that arrive at the dorsal horn of the spinal cord [3, 5, 31]. They then travel through the dorsal column pathway and the spino-thalamic tracts to reach upper brain centers. There here they are processed and then activate descending fibers from the dorsal raphe nuclei, or from the locus coeruleus, inducing analgesia at spinal cord level [15, 22, 49]. Inhibitory mechanisms can modulate inhibitory spinal interneurons, which then modulate primary afferents or second-order interneurons at the level of the lumbosacral spinal cord [3,5, 31].
In fact, during copulatory analgesia, different excitatory and inhibitory amino acids are released at lumbo-sacral levels, and release opioid and oxytocin peptides that can modulate pain at primary afferents or
interneurons [19, 32, 33, 39]. Our results indicate that yawning sublines did not experience significant analgesia after the performance of five mounts probably because mounts do not produce enough afferent in- formation from the penis. However, after five intromissions produced a characteristic pattern of information inflow from the penis, scrotum and perigenital area that induced a maximum amount of analgesia with a long-time course (see Table 1), HY rats reached lower percentage changes in VTTS due to the characteristic longer inter-intromission intervals that significantly delayed ejaculation (see Table 2; [11]). In Wistar rats with a rapid phenotype it has been shown that shorter inter-intromission intervals induce higher levels of analgesia and that the opposite happens with sluggish phenotype [1]. After ejaculation, the afferent inflow reaches its maximum, and the amount of analgesia is also the highest, and concomitantly the differences among SD and yawning sublines diminish (see Fig. 4C). These effects are not due to age differences among the subjects, an important factor in pain and analgesic mechanisms [16].
In conclusion, the temporal organization pattern of male sexual display impacts the mating-induced analgesia of both yawning sublines, as well as in Wistar rats with different mating endophenotypes [1, 11]. In the case of yawning sublines, we previously demonstrated that they differ in the maternal behavior display with respect to SD dams [45]. It has also been demonstrated that maternal licking changes penile sensitivity, and that low level of genital licking induces lowers dendritic density in the bulbospongiousus motoneurons [29]. We have already demonstrated that HY male rats exhibited more yawning and penile erections induced by D 2dopaminergic agonists or by the central administration of oxytocin with respect to SD male rats [10, 13]. Additional experiments are needed to determine the role of maternal care in the display of penile erection under different ex-copula circumstances such as non-contact penile erection on both yawning sublines.
Another important aspect is that mating-induced analgesia in female rats [18]; in fact, it is possible to induce analgesia through vaginal or rectal stimulation with a decrease in the vibrissa or leg-withdrawal re- flexes elicited by pinching the base of the ear or the foot, respectively, with fine mouse-tooth forceps [28]. Preliminary data showed that both sublines had lower tail-flick latencies with respect to SD female rats [41] supporting that inbreeding process as well as the different susceptibility to stress on yawning sublines modify their analgesic responses as we demonstrated with our results on mating-induced analgesia particularly after the execution of 5 intromissions (see Fig. 4B and Table 1[4]).
Additionally, we recently showed that atosiban, an oxytocin receptor antagonist, can reduce analgesia induced by mounts and intromissions, thus supporting the analgesic role of oxytocin [17]. In this context, it is relevant that our results, obtained with intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) injections of different doses of oxytocin, induced higher frequencies of yawning and penile erections in HY rats with respect to LY and SD rats [10]. These effects are mediated by activity in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus [2, 8].
Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that mating induces the release of oxytocin in the PVN, and this peptide it is known to promote social bonding and produce anxiolysis ([48]: [35]), that could be responsible, at least in part, for different amounts of mating-induced analgesia.
It is well established, that oxytocin is known to fine-tune general and social anxiety-related behaviors, supporting the link between anxiety disorders and imbalanced in the oxytocinergic mechanisms [36]. HY rats were found to ambulate more in the open field arena and had fewer fecal boluses compared to LY, supporting [the hypothesis?] that HY are less emotionally reactive than LY subline male rats [34]. Further, recent unpublished data indicate that HY rats are resilient to stressful conditions because they spent more time in the open arms of the elevated plus maze test compared with the LY subline [12]. As oxytocin peptide plays a central role in pair bonding, it is possible that the differences in pain thresholds observed between both sublines are due to different levels of arousal and concomitant emotional display during copulation, essential components of mating behavior [42, 47], and can even induce fear-avoidance behavior (Brauer et al., 2014). These factors had additive effects with the display of sexual behavior, which clearly differed be- tween sublines with respect to the SD male rats in our study. This is an important consideration because pain thresholds are correlated with anxiety, as correspondingly demonstrated in humans [37]. Indeed, copulation appears to be a stressful activity that produces stress-induced analgesia in rats (Buttler, 2009). Thus, the yawning sublines are suitable models for analyzing these stress effects with respect to mating interactions, which can modulate pain mechanisms (Neuman 2008; [47]).
A further important consideration regarding our experimental design is the possibility that through social cues the observer rats change their behavior due to the experience of the experimental rats because it has been demonstrated that fear responses can be transmitted in a conditioned paradigm [6, 25, 26, 40]. Because we used counter-balancing and random assignation of both sublines and the SD rats to the control and experimental groups, we expected potential social communication to be equal along all experimental sessions. However, further experiments are needed to determine role of the observer rat in mating-induced analgesia on the yawning sublines.
In conclusion, we demonstrated that both yawning sublines had lower levels of mating-induced analgesia with respect to SD rats. These effects are probably due to differences in the regulation of nociceptive mechanisms at spinal or supraspinal levels that modulate pain afferents. These sublines may represent a useful model of altered sexual performance and associated physiological consequences such as analgesia.
To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to examine differences in mating-induced analgesia in animals with different phenotypic backgrounds.