Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal
Le bâillement, du réflexe à la pathologie
Le bâillement : de l'éthologie à la médecine clinique
Le bâillement : phylogenèse, éthologie, nosogénie
 Le bâillement : un comportement universel
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante
Yawning: its cycle, its role
Warum gähnen wir ?
Fetal yawning assessed by 3D and 4D sonography
Le bâillement foetal

mystery of yawning 









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Mises à jour en ordre chronologique des sites
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quoi de neuf
8 décemmbre 2014 Involvement of dopaminergic and cholinergic pathways in the induction of yawning and genital grooming by the aqueous extract of Saccharum officinarum L. (sugarcane) in rats. Gamberini et al.  
1 décembre 2014 The ''syringe'' technique: a hands-free approach for the reduction of acute nontraumatic temporomandibular dislocations in the emergency department. Gorchynski J et al.
1 novembre 2014 Tourette-like behaviors. Heym N et al.
20 octobre 2014 Clinical significance of yawning in disorders of consciousness and vigilance Guggisberg A
20 octobre 2014 Abnormal yawning in stroke patients: the role of brain thermoregulation Gallup AC
20 octobre 2014 Brachet (1789-1858), un médecin lyonnais méconnu à l'aube des neurosciences
20 octibre 2014 Dissertation sur l'hydropisie aiguë. Bricheteau I. 1814
1 octobre 2014 Importance of yawning in the evaluation of excessive daytime sleepiness: a prospective clinical study. Catli T et al.
1 octobre 2014 Occurrences of Yawn and Swallow are Temporally Related. Abe K et al.
1 octobre 2014 Tourette-like behaviors in the normal population are associated with hyperactive/impulsive ADHD-like behaviors but do not relate to deficits in conditioned inhibition or response inhibition. Heym N et al.
18 septembre 2014 Yawning, fatigue, and cortisol: Expanding the Thompson Cortisol Hypothesis. Thompson SB.  
8 septembre 2014 Animaux endormis. Le bâillement. Hediger H 1955
8 septembre 2014 Temporomandibular joint dislocation: experiences from Zaria Nigeria. Agbara R et al.
8 septembre 2014 Fracture of mandible during yawning in a patient with osteogenesis imperfecta. Ram H et al.
1 septembre 2014 Social modulation of contagious yawning in wolves. Romero T, et al.
1 septembre 2014 Smell facilitates auditory contagious yawning in stranger rats. Moyaho A et al.  
20 août 2014 Air swallowing as a tic Weil et al.
18 août 2014 Yawn contagion in humans and bonobos: emotional affinity matters more than species. Palagi E et al.
18 août 2014 Is yawning a tool for wakefulness or for sleep ? Arbuck D PDF  
25 juillet 2014 4D ultrasound study of fetal facial expressions at 20-24weeks of gestation. Sato et al.
16 juin 2014 Further Characterization of Quinpirole-Elicited Yawning As a Model of Dopamine D3 Receptor Activation in Male and Female Monkeys. Martelle et al.
9 juin 2014 Pierre Janet et l'hystérie, biographie
8 juin 2014 An unusual clinical picture of paroxysmal extreme pain disorder Meglic a et al.
8 juin 2014 Yawning as a behavioral marker of mild motion sickness and sopite syndrome Matsangas P
1 juin 2014 Pourquoi bâillons-nous ? Revue des théories d'Hippocrate à nos jours Walusinski O 
12 mai 2014 Yawning is infectious. 1926
11 mai 2014 Serotonin and yawning: A possible adverse drug reaction during antidepressant therapy Béné J et al  
5 mai 2014 Contagious behavior: An alternative approach to mirror-like phenomena. Provine RR.
14 avril 2014 Cours élémentaire de maladies des femmes. Vigarous JMJ. 1801
14 avril 2014 A Thermal Window for Yawning in Humans: Yawning as a Brain Cooling Mechanism. Massen et al.
23 mars 2014 Individual Variation in Contagious Yawning Susceptibility Is Highly Stable and Largely Unexplained by Empathy or Other Known Factors. Bartholomew et al.
23 mars 2014 Emotional stress evoked by classical fear conditioning induces yawning behavior in rats. Kubota N et al.
23 mars 2014 Chimpanzees empathize with group mates and humans, but not with baboons or unfamiliar chimpanzees. Campbell M et al.
2 mars 2014 Claudien Phlippe (1866-1903), une bographie
2 mars 2014 Raymond Cestan (1872-1933), une biographie
10 février 2014 Different yawns, different functions? Testing social hypotheses on spontaneous yawning in Theropithecus gelada. Leone A, et al.
2 février 2014 Neurocysticercose et salves de bâillements
13 janvier 2014 Insular and caudate lesions release abnormal yawning in stroke patients. Krestel H, Weisstanner C, Hess CW, Bassetti Cl et al.
3 janvier 2014 Penile erection and yawning induced by paraventricular NMDA injection in male rats are mediated by oxytocin. Melis et al.
3 janvier 2014 Effects of apomorphine, physostigmine and vasoactive intestinal peptide on penile erection and yawning in diabetic rats. Yamaguchi, Kobayashi
3 janvier 2014 Yawning behavior in male rats is associated with decreases in in vivo DOPAC efflux from the caudate nucleus. Laping, Ramirez