Flip-flop switch et bâillements
Prostaglandines, adénosine, sommeil & bâillements
Leptine, ghréline, histamine et bâillements











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mise à jour du 26 juin 2003
Sleep & dreaming
EF Pace-Schott et all
Cambridge ed
Phylogenetic data on the REM sleep learning
JM Siegel
Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and University of California at Los Angeles, Neurobiology Research, Sepulveda VAMC, North Hills, CA 91343
Télécharger le texte ce texte au fomat PDF
The REM sleep memory consolidation hypothesis JM Siegel (PDF)


Why do we sleep ?Sejnowski and Destexhe
Schematic model of neurotransmitter circuits that are involved in the three states of vigilance
Hypothalamic regulation of sleep Salin-Pascual
Sommeil et respiration: influence des états de vigilance Guilleminault
The neurobiology of sleep: genetics, cellular physiology and subcortical networksPace-Schott & Hobson
The cognitive neuroscience of sleep: neuronal systems, consciousness and learning sur le site Nature Reviews Neuroscience
Hypocrétine (orexine) et narcolepsie : dormir ou dîner E Mignot
durée somm paradox