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inhibits yawning induced by physostigmine or
pilocarpine, yawning induced by dopamine
receptor agonists, apomorphine and piribedil, as
well as yawning induced by alpha-MSH, ACTH 1 -24
and oxytocin. Methylscopolamine, methylatropine,
pirenzepine (purely peripherally acting
antimuscarinic agents) or mecamylamine (a
nicotinic receptor blocker) fail to block
yawning induced by cholinomimetics or
apomorphine. Further, yawning induced by
alpha-MSH or ACTH is associated with an increase
in acetylcholine turnover. These data point to
activation of central muscarinic cholinergic
receptors subserving drug-induced yawning in
animals. Whether cholinergic mechanisms are also
involved in spontaneous yawning is unknown.
Unfortunately, the low frequency of yawning
following saline placebo in the rat makes study
of this phenomenon in this species difficult;
research in the highly spontaneous yawning
chacma baboon is impractical. Some data suggest
that endogenous dopamine may play a role in
spontaneous yawning in animal. The development
of a selectively bred line of Sprague-Dawley
rats with high yawning frequency may lead to
clarification of this problem. The neurotransmitter mechanism subserving
nondruginduced yawniing in man is unknown but
some evidence points to the involvement of
doparninergic-mechanisms. Evaluation of
cholinergic mechanisms in yawning in humans bas
not previously been reported. Our observations
suggest that nondrug-induced yawning
(ie.spontaheous yawning) is not mediated by a
central muscarinic cholinergic link. The failure
of scopolamine to antagonize spontaneous yawning
may reflect an inadequate dose or
ïnsufficient time interval between drug
administration and termination of monitoring of
yawning. However, the dose and time interval
were based on clinical use of scopolamine as a
single subcutaneous injection to ensure central
anticholinergic effects. The significantly
greater sleepiness after scopolamine compared
with scopolamine placebo suggests that the dose
was indeed sufficient to induce a CNS
effect. Environmental triggers that may have
contributed to yawning under under experimental
conditions include suggestion, boredom, anxiety,
lack of social, physical and cognitive
stimulation or a decrease in alertness.
Drowsiness is believed to induce yawning:
whereas during sleep yawning does not occur. In
animal studies the effect of drowsiness on
yawning bas been ignored in the interpretation
of data. Provine et al. found that spontaneous
yawning occurs most often after waking and
before sleep. He suggested that yawning is a
paralingual signal for drowsiness which may be a
maneuver to increase alertness. Recent
electroencephalographic findings provide some
support for this alerting effect. Contrary to
the belief that somnolence affects yawning, we
found no relation between subjective sleepiness,
and yawning under our experimental conditions
following eiher placebo or scopolamine. It is
possible, of course, that a threshold level of
drowsiness maintained over a minimal period of
time is required and that these conditions were
not. met in our study. Alternately, we may Pe
witnessing a masking gffect. It is possible that the significantly
increased drowsiness observed after scopolamine
which would normally be accompanied by an
increase in yawning was counteracted by
anticholinergic effect of scopolamine resulting
in the appeareance that there was no effect on
yawning. |