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1 avril 2004
Respir. Physiol
Control of respiration by the hypothalamus and feedback from contracting muscles in cats
Waldrop TG. et al
Department of Physiology The University of Texas Health Science, Dallas, USA
La parakinésie brachiale oscitante Walusinski, Quoirin, Neau
Hand up! Yawn and Raise Your Arm
Walusinski O, Neau JP, Bogousslavsky J.
Involuntary arm elevation during yawning in a hemiplegic patient
Na-Yeon Jung ,Bo-Young Ahn et al.


Ventilation, arterial pressure, and cardiac frequency increase immediately with the onset of exercise. The exact mechanisms controlling these responses are still debated despite over a century of investigation (Volkman, 1841). Central command and feedback from contracting muscles have both been proposed as providing the neural drive to, the respiratory and cardiovascular systems during exercise (Mitchell, 1985; Dejours, 1964).
Several investigators have provided experimental evidence that a reflex originating from mechanical or metabolic stimulation of receptors within contracting skeletal muscles is responsible for the autonomic responses to exercise. This possible mechanism has been studied in anesthetized animals by stimulating motor nerves to induce muscular contraction. This experimental maneuver elicits increases in ventilation, cardiac frequency and arterial pressure. McCloskey and Mitchell (1972) have shown that group III and group IV afferent fibers form the sensory pathway for this reflex.
Central command originating in the suprapontine brain provides drive to the locomotor, respiratory, and cardiovascular systems during exercise. This mechanism has been studied by chemical and electrical stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region (SUR) in the hypothalamus. Activation of neurons in this site causes locomotion, increases respiration, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency, and produces an alteration of organ blood flows similar to that measured during voluntary exercise. These responses were shown not to be dependent upon feedback from peripheral receptors.
Ibe interaction between feedback mechanisms and central command has not been investigated. Each of these control mechanisms has been studied separately. However, Yamamoto (1977) has pointed out that for the control of exercise hyperpnea you may have sufficient mechanisms; each of which in a given, isolated circumstance explains the whole phenomenon. When they act simultaneously, they mask each other. Thus, he suggested that neural occlusion is occurring with the mechanisms controlling breathing during exercise.
The purpose of this study was to investigate possible interactions between central command activated by STLR stimulation and the feedback reflexes elicited by induced muscular contractions. Our results suggest that the central command mechanism predominates over the feedback reflexes activated by hindlimb muscular contraction in controlling breathing.
Two different mechanisms thought to be involved in controlling the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during exercise were examined in this study. Feedback from contracting muscles was induced by stimulating spinal ventral roots to cause static contraction of hindlimb muscles. In agreement with other studies, we observed significant increases in respiration, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency in response to this type of contraction. The second mechanism investigated was central command which was activated by stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region. Eldridge et al (1981, 1985) have proposed recently that neural output from this hypothalamic site controls the locomotor, respiratory and cardiovascular systems during exercise.
Stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region in the decorticate cat, in very fightly anesthetized cats or in cats anesthetized with Althesin' elicits locomotor movements. However, this locomotor activity is depressed by anesthesia reported that stimulation of this area with 50-300 µA does not evoke locomotor activity in cats anesthetized with chloralose and urethane. The same stimulation parameters were utilized in the prescrit study in which no locomotor movements were produced by STLR stimulation. However, the cardiorespiratory responses are elicited by this intensity of stimulation in anesthetized cats. Thus, the autonomic responses to stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region in this study were not accompanied by complicating feedback from contracting locomotor muscles.
In our study, induced muscular contraction and STLR stimulation, when performed individually, evoked similar increases in mean arterial pressure (27.7 and 31.4 mm Hg, respectively). However, SUR stimulation produced significantly larger cardiac frequency and respiratory responses than did muscular contraction. Cardiac frequency and minute phrenic activity rose 8% and 60%, respectively, during muscular contraction as compared to a 13 % increase in cardiac frequency and a 142 % increase in minute phrenic activity during STLR stimulation. Ibese responses to STLR stimulation are similar to those reported previously from this laboratory (Waldrop et al., 1986).
Other studies have also reported large pressor responses with only small changes in breathing and cardiac frequency during static muscular contraction induced by ventral root stimulation in cats. For instance, Rodgers (1968), Coote etal. (1971) and McCloskey and Mitchell (1972) reported that muscular contraction elicited a 50% or less increase in ventilation. In the latter two studies, static contraction of hindlimb muscles caused a 20-55 rnm Hg increase in arterial pressure with less than 5 % increase in cardiac frequency. Thus, reflexes activated by contracting muscles alone do not evoke large increases in ventilation and cardiac frequency. However, activation of central command, ie., STLR stimulation, evokes large increases in respiration, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency.
Stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region combined with muscular contraction yielded smaller increases in respiration, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency than would be predicted from summing the individual responses alone. These results support Yamamoto's (1977) hypothesis that occlusion of the neural drives controlling the respiratory and cardiovascular systems occurs during exercise. Thus, the influence of central command and reflexes eficited by muscular contraction, when presented alone, probably differs from the effect of each when activated simultaneously as occurs during voluntary exercise.
As discussed above, the responses to combined STLR stimulation and muscular contraction were less than what would be predicted from a simple addition of the individual responses. "Mis occurred regardless of the sequence in which the stimulations were performed. However, the stimulation sequence made a considerable difference in the magnitude of the responses that occurred when the second stimulus was applied. Ventral root stimulation given during SUR conditioning stimulation had only a negligible effect on respiration and caused only small increases in cardiac frequency and arterial pressure. In contrast, stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region during muscular contraction elicited large increases in all the recorded respiratory and cardiovascuIar parameters. Thus, these results suggest that STLR stimulation predominates over the reflex activity occurring as a result of muscular contraction.
Even though STLR stimulation evoked large increases in phrenic nerve activity, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency during muscular contraction, these responses were smaller than when the STLR was stimulated by itself. However, the reduction in response for this sequence of stimulation was much less than that observed with ventral root stimulation during STLR stimulation. When the subthalamic locomotor region was stimulated during muscular contraction, minute phrenic activity, arterial pressure and cardiac frequency were 69, 49, and 70%, respectively of those changes seen with stimulation of the STLR by itself. Thus, at least for minute phrenic activity and cardiac frequency, depressive effects of ventral root stimulation upon central command were minor.
Our results do not allow a determination of the actual neurophysiological mechanism responsible for the effects of SUR stimulation upon the reflexes evoked by muscular contraction. Presynaptic or postsynaptic inhibition could have occurred at any of the synapses between the primary afferent input to and the motor outflow from. the spinal cord. Since the respiratory frequency response to muscular contraction was depressed during STLR stimulation, at least part of the depressive action must have taken place at the level of the respiratory rhythm generator in the brainstem.
An alternative explanation for the depressed responses to muscular contraction during SUR stimulation is that saturation occurred in the involved neuronal circuitry. Thus input from the subthalamic locomotor region and feedback from the periphery would saturate neuronal elements common to both. This possibility does not seem likely for two reasons. First, SUR stimulation and muscular contraction when performed alone caused the same increase in respiratory output in one cat in the present study. However, the respiratory response to muscular contraction during STLR stimulation was trivial compared to the increase in minute phrenic activity which occurred when the subthalamic locomotor region was stimulated during muscular contraction. Obviously, this reduced response to muscular contraction during STLR stimulation cannot be attributed to saturation of neuronal circuits in this cat. In addition, Eldridge et aL (1982) have shown that stimulation of hindlimb muscles during either hypercapnia or carotid sinus nerve stimulation produces the same increase in phrenic nerve activity and arterial pressure as that caused by hindlimb muscle stimulation by itself during normocapnia. Thus, it appears more likely that the subthalamic locomotor region asserts a depressive effect on the reflex activity elicited by muscular contraction.
The cardiac frequency and arterial pressure responses to muscular contraction were not as depressed during STLR stimulation as was respiratory output. This difference can probably be explained by spinal circuitry which can generate reflex increases in cardiovascular function. Several investigators have reported increases in arterial pressure and cardiac frequency in response to afferent stimuli in spinalized cats (Brooks, 1933; Staszewska-Barczak and Dusting, 1977; Waldrop et aL, 1984). Furthermore, it has recently been shown that a pressor response to muscular contraction persists after spinal (C- 1) transection (Iwamoto et aL, 1985).
In summary, our results from anesthetized cats demonstrate that central command and reflexes evoked by ventral root induced muscular contraction exert smaller respiratory and cardiovascular effects when activated simultaneously than when activated individually. In addition, central command as activated by stimulation of the subthalamic locomotor region has a predominant effect over the responses caused by muscular contraction.
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